Entrepreneur Meet Up

Join us on the 4th Thursday of every month for an evening of support, masterminding, and community building in Squamish!

This event is for everyone!

“Ian has a powerful way of bringing people together and fostering genuine connection as well as deep conversation.”

“I had the pleasure of participating in a couple of entrepreneur focused socials facilitated by Ian over the last year, and these events were a breath of fresh air for a small business owner like myself who spends a lot of time “in” my business and not enough time connecting with likeminded folks in similar spaces.

The energy of these events were palpable. I have utmost respect for Ian who is on a mission to to bridge the gap between being an entrepreneur in culture of hustle and showing up for ourselves in the ways we need to most.”

- Roslyn | Plants First Nutrition

What to Expect:

Starting, building, and maintaining a business is hard - especially in the current economy.

Once a month I curate an evening for Sea-To-Sky business owners to come together to celebrate their wins, connect with like minded human beings, while also having the opportunity to obtain support to some of the current business challenges one might be facing.

Feel free to bring a pen and a note pad to take notes! Bubbly Sparkling Water will be provided.

Meet Up Structure (Subject to change):

7 pm: Arrival/Mingle

7 :15pm: Guided Meditation/Introduction Of Theme

7 :45pm: Small Group Work

8 :15pm: Community Session

- Business Challenges Q&A

- Brainstorm Solutions as a Group

9pm: End

If you have any questions - please feel free to reach out to me ahead of time: ian@cedarsprucefilms.ca

I'm l ooking forward to seeing you all there!

- Ian

From Our Last Event:

“Coming together with fellow entrepreneurs for a night of reflection, connection, and wellness provided a much-needed pause that I didn't realize I needed until I was there.

In the midst of the busy entrepreneurial journey, this event offered a moment to recharge and reconnect with myself and others. It was a refreshing reminder of the importance of prioritizing wellness and fostering meaningful connections within our community.

Through shared experiences and heartfelt conversations, I left feeling rejuvenated, inspired, and grateful for the opportunity to pause and reflect amidst the hustle of everyday life.”— Andrea | Change Management

Meet Your Facilitator

Ian Coll is a Film Director turned lifestyle entrepreneur and facilitator. He is the founder of Nurtr Wellness, a brand dedicated to helping 1 million entrepreneurs live a happy, healthy, and wealthy life. 

Ian has been an entrepreneur for over a decade now and never took burnout as seriously as he should - In 2022 he fell prey to chronic fatigue, anxiety & depression as a result of neglecting his health.

After battling and healing his own experiences with burnout, as well as holistically managing his Tourettes & OCD, he now works with other high achieving entrepreneurs who are ready to take their health and performance to the next level. He does this through a combination of science backed health & wellness protocols, embodiment work, personal development, and self optimization strategies.

Ian has invested and trained with a variety of world renown teachers and facilitators.

  • Certified 200hr Yoga Teacher (Anjeli Yoga)

  • 6 Month Embodiment Training (John Wineland)

  • High Performance Coaching (Jordan Candlish)

  • Embodied Mens Work Mentorship (Travis Streb)

Welcome to the Community