Book a Depth Session

Ready to stop living in your head and actually take action towards building a meaningful life?

As men, we’re great at reading the books, listening to the podcasts, talking the talk, and thinking our way through life - in other words, we live each and everyday stuck in our heads.

In this 3 hour session, we'll dive deep into your patterns, challenges, blocks, and work together to co-create an action plan that will unlock more depth, clarity, direction, and confidence in your life.

Here's what you can expect:

  • The Foundation: We'll begin by diving deep into your life and discover who you are, what you truly want, what is getting in the way, and begin to craft a vision of what you want your life to look like in the future. 

  • Alignment: Once we have a deeper understanding of your foundation, we will then begin to look at how you can start moving in the right direction. We will determine what your priorities are, what we need to remove in your life to create space, and create the support systems to help you in this journey. 

  • Action: By the end of our call, we will have created a tangible action plan for the next 12 weeks. You will have a clear set of instructions, practices, and tools, that will be ready to start implementing within 24 hours. 

By the end of our Depth Session, you'll feel inspired, clear, and motivated to begin moving towards your goals. 

I look forward to meeting you and walking this path together. 

Investment: $299